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Diner Lingo: "D"
Diner lingo (sometimes called diner slang, or short-order lingo) has a rich history in American diners and restaurants, and now it's making a comeback! We've compiled the largest diner lingo dictionary here at dinerlingo.com so you can learn the jargon too, whether you work in the food industry, or if you're just looking for a little entertainment!
Dagwood special Banana split
Deadeye Poached egg
Devils on horseback Prunes rolled in bacon, served on toast
Dine and dash Leaving without paying the bill
Dirty water Coffee
Dog and maggot Cracker and cheese
Dog biscuit Cracker
Dog soup Water
Double black cow Extra rich chocolate shake
Dough well done Toast
Dough well done with cow to cover Buttered toast
Douse it Cover it in sauce
Drag one through Georgia Cola with chocolate syrup more...
Drag one through the garden Put all the condiments on it
Drag one through Wisconsin Put cheese on it
Draw one Cup of coffee
Draw one in the dark Cup of black coffee
Draw one muddy Cup of black coffee
Drop two Two poached eggs
Drown one, hold the hail Coca Cola with no ice
Drown the kids Boil the eggs
Dry Plain, no condiments
Dry stack Pancakes with no butter or syrup
Dusty miller Chocolate pudding sprinkled with powdered malt

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Butcher's revenge
Cluck and grunt
Whistle berries
Italian perfume
Elephant dandruff
Swamp water
Make it cry
Chicks on a raft
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